When Chickens Attack.

If you’re scared of chickens and their feathered kin, you’ve got Alektorophobia; an irrational fear of chickens.. as well as their eggs …often related to a previous traumatic experience involving feathered fowls.”  In other words, chicken-related PTSD. I don’t have it, but my friend’s wife, a Japanese émigré to Canada, suffers from it. Sounds like a total nightmare to me.

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My Stock Pick Has Tanked

Yes, yes… you all know what’s coming. After months of gloating and abuse chuckage, my pick in the 2018 mining stock pick challenge has tanked and I’ve been knocked off my lofty perch atop the table. Evrim -previously known as God’s Choice of Junior Explorers- is in the shit pile and down 80% on the day after releasing crap drill results. C’est la vie. My humble-pie eating note to our stock club is posted below.

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November Stock Picking Update

It’s time for the monthly mining stock picking up date. What follows is an edited version of my monthly note to our club in my capacity as Chairman.

The air in the Chairman’s Palace is currently rich with the heady scent of righteous excitement as we head into the final month of this year’s “Pick-A-Dog”competition. At least I think that’s what I can smell; my terrier’s been having digestive issues so I may have it wrong.

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