The Twitterverse is a wondrous thing. So many creative people out there who work hard to provide totally pointless news feeds for our amusement, compiling all sorts of shit you didn’t know you needed. I’ve stumbled on a few gems since signing up and accumulating my mega-total of 46 followers. But my favourite has to be Lost Footballs (@Lostfootballs).

They post photos of lost footballs (no rugby balls please!) from around the world, sent to them by sad spotters like me. You find them everywhere. Back alleys, parks, roof tops, under cars and we all carry smart phones so taking a picture is easy. The twist is, subscribers are asked to pair their images with song lyrics that might reflect some aspect of the photo: as they say, “the saddest sight in the world – lost or discarded footballs.”

Incidentally, @Lostfootballs also publish a calendar, voted by The Sun newspaper in the UK as the most boring of the year. Which is saying something when it’s up against competition like Ferrets 2019 and Nuns Having Fun.

Profits from the calendar are donated to a charity that supports former athletes with mental health issues, so go and buy one now. And don’t forget to subscribe to them on Facebook or Instagram. Well worth it.