To everyone who’s ever read anything on the Urbancrows blog. Sometime last week, the blog sailed past 50,000 hits: not readers, hits -so some are return users (why, oh why, would you come back…?) but either way, I’m a happy camper.
I can’t thank anyone who’s ever read a piece of mine enough for making urbancrows successful beyond anything I could have imagined when I started it. My main aim when I kicked off was to record a few career stories for my kids, post some dumb opinions, and give vent to my sarcastic Englishman side while improving my writing at the expense of my reader’s rapidly eroding patience.
I succeeded with 2 of these objectives: my kids are yet to read a single story but I’ve definitely posted some pretty dumb, sarcastic pieces. Ho hum.
The most popular piece by a thousand miles is “What is a geologist?” which I posted in April 2019 and has been read by over 17,000 people to date. Or perhaps 4-5 sad individuals who thought it was really funny and kept coming back for another read. I’ll never know.
I’ve had readers from just about every country on the planet with a few exceptions which include the obvious no-gos, basket cases or dictatorships lacking internet contact with the real world. I’ve yet to hear from North Korea (come on Kim, one quick visit…), Yemen, Somalia, Cuba, Turkmenistan, Afghanistan, Syria and a handful of African countries (Congo, Mauritania, Niger and Benin).

In every other country you can name, somebody with a beaten up lap top or cracked smart phone has read one of my blog posts, perhaps learning something they never knew along the way. Truly humbling. Thank you. I appreciate every read more than you could ever know.
Well done, Mr. R. I think you are an excellent writer, and very witty. I love that you are able to find humour in Mining and Geology. Your articles make me laugh out loud – a rare thing. You’re like the blogging version of those desirable “Red Blobs” you recently wrote about. In other words, you are a Red Blog Blob. Thank you, keep it up.
Many thanks for the kind words!