How To Pick A Mining Stock.

“A stock pick is when an analyst or investor uses a systematic form of analysis to conclude that a particular stock will make a good investment and, therefore, should be added to his or her portfolio”  Wikipedia.

It’s here. The night I’ve been waiting for all year. Our stock picking dinner is tonight and the tension is ramping up across the mining industry. Think of it as the Davos Summit of mining. Twenty five seasoned veterans drawn from every facet of the global mining and exploration business –representatives from banking, research, geology, mining, journalism plus a couple of our parole officers- come together in a darkened room to select 25 companies that will set the junior resource market on fire for 2019. Just like we did in 2018.

Continue reading “How To Pick A Mining Stock.”

The Strangest thing I’ve Ever Seen

What’s the strangest thing you’ve ever seen? Think back. A ghost? Phosphorescence in the sea at night? An honest politician? We’ve all seen something that truly baffles us. Top of my list would have to be Trump’s inauguration – I’d call it black comedy if it wasn’t so serious. One moment the world was relatively normal and the next we’re all eating fresh shit sandwiches. Second on my list is a natural phenomenon, something –unlike Trump- that I can get my head around as a scientist. Kinda.

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Lost Footballs. The Saddest Sight.

The Twitterverse is a wondrous thing. So many creative people out there who work hard to provide totally pointless news feeds for our amusement, compiling all sorts of shit you didn’t know you needed. I’ve stumbled on a few gems since signing up and accumulating my mega-total of 46 followers. But my favourite has to be Lost Footballs (@Lostfootballs).

Balls. And they’re lost.

They post photos of lost footballs (no rugby balls please!) from around the world, sent to them by sad spotters like me. You find them everywhere. Back alleys, parks, roof tops, under cars and we all carry smart phones so taking a picture is easy. The twist is, subscribers are asked to pair their images with song lyrics that might reflect some aspect of the photo: as they say, “the saddest sight in the world – lost or discarded footballs.”

Continue reading “Lost Footballs. The Saddest Sight.”

The Results Are In.

Christmas is over. The New Year crept in through a hangover haze and the presents have been packed off to the Sally Ann. Here in Vancouver, that means it’s nearly time for the annual Hys and Lows stock picking results dinner, or what I like to call The Rites of Poverty and Delusion. The dinner has assumed a prominent place in the hearts and minds of the hallowed members of our little club. And with that in mind, I know that you are excited to see the 2018 results (if you can call them that) so without further ado, I’ll cut to the chase.

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