I’m a wannabe classical guitar player. The trouble is, I’m too bloody old to practice enough to get to the standard I’d like to reach. So, I lied. I’m not really a guitar player. But I do listen to a lot of classical guitar and have, over time, convinced myself that I’m a talented-albeit-vicarious musician. Woulda, coulda, shoulda, I know.
Continue reading “When Turkey Meets Italy.”Month: April 2019
Mining Stocks Are Crap.
Q. How to make a small fortune in mining?
A. Start with a large one.
This is an update to an article I posted a few months ago on urbancrows.
It’s an old cliché but very apropos at the moment. To put it in simple terms, the prevailing climate in the resource world I inhabit is beyond crap and has been for a few years. There’s been a slow, persistent drizzle of shitness scaring speculative money away. Investors have all but abandoned the mining and exploration sector. The TSX Venture Composite Index has drifted up a little recently, but the reality is, it’s simply inching its way slowly up from a 10-year low. The amount of investment capital available to the sector has shrunk, and as a direct result the pace of new mine discoveries has slowed to an historic low.

What is a Geologist?
Last Sunday was the first Sunday in April, known as Geologists’ Day, and rightly celebrated around the world by millions of people. It was originally designated a holiday by the Soviet Union under the leadership of Leonid Brezhnev, a notoriously jolly chap with unbelievably big eye brows. I hope, wherever you live, you tracked down your closest geologist, and gave them a big hug and a giant sloppy kiss. We deserve it because we add so much to your lives, if only you knew.

Да, я люблю геологов
It’s Crop Circle Time.
Spring is here in its inimitable, slightly-sodden Vancouver fashion. Growing up in Kent, in southern England, I loved it. Every year, the warmer weather brought profound changes to the ancient agrarian landscape around the cathedral city of Canterbury. To a bubbling soundtrack of larks high above, the farmers would sow their fields, bringing a riot of green and yellow to the chalk downs. And then, in another timeless annual rite, crop circle time arrives; the first circle is found smack in the middle of a wheat field in Wiltshire, and suddenly every idiot and conspiracy whack job in the country wakes up sporting their alien-spotter hard on, looking for 15 minutes of fame.
Continue reading “It’s Crop Circle Time.”A Point Grey Rant.
Death By A Thousand Cuts.
If you’re a non-resident of Vancouver, specifically my neighbourhood Point Grey, chances are you won’t find this blog post remotely interesting. Look away now.
Yeehaw. Point Grey Living is Here!
Every month, the kind publishers at Best Version Media, ensure that I‘m kept up to date with all the local goings-on by stuffing the shiny Point Grey Living Magazine into my mail box. Billed as An Exclusive Magazine for the Residents of Point Grey and West Point Grey (barf), this colourful publication is full of colourful articles about the colourful characters of our ‘hood. Lovely. And a big thank you to the publishers for including my house on the mailing list.