Infamy, Infamy

The Northern Miner’s Got It In For me*.

Despite my lonely role as the solitary occupant of the urbancrows e-rookery, from time to time I do get to celebrate a small win; some minor success that I can share with regular readers. And so it is, I’m happy to report that the esteemed mining newspaper, The Northern Miner, recently published 2 of my stories about Pakistan. They appear in the Odds and Sods column and are linked below.

Next stop. The Times.

A shout-out and big thank you to John Cumming, the dashingly handsome and discerning Editor-in Chief of the Northern Miner -a fellow geologist and deep thinker- who spotted my obvious story-telling talents. Or, more likely, he needed a few hundred words to fill up page 4 and was clutching at straws for content when my desperate-for-any-attention e-mails arrived.

All true for once.

I even managed to get some of my old 35mm slides scanned and submitted in time as the second story was being prepped for print, so it’s illustrated with a fine snap of a craggy-looking Pakistani border policeman about to do some damage to a teapot. Plus bonus pictures of a big boulder, a truck and a red castle. I know, not really selling it am I….

Still true.

*Just kidding. Anything for a good pun. Can anyone name the movie that the comic-quote “Infamy, infamy, they’ve all got it in for me” comes from?

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