And a short disclaimer.

Before I get in to my thrilling biography, here’s a quick disclaimer about the blog.
Remember, the articles I post on the blog are based on my own experience and hazy memories of stuff that’s happened to me down the years. They are intended to be educational, entertaining, sarcastic and/or satirical – and sometimes all four at once if I’ve got my shit together. My articles are not intended as investment advice about the mining and exploration industry so DO NOT TAKE THEM AS SUCH. If you plan to lose money by investing in resource stocks, then at least find a qualified broker who can lose it for you professionally.
And feel free to disagree or take issue with the shit I write. I’m happy to read your comments but please don’t be rude or insulting, because I will delete you. Not you. I didn’t mean that. I meant your comments.
OK, So Who Am I?
I’m an expat Brit, relocated to the glorious west coast of Canada after a nomadic career in mineral exploration. I’ve lived all over the place since I first left the UK in 1984, moving at least a dozen times internationally. I spent a lot of time in Turkey, Bulgaria, Iran and Pakistan in the 1990s which left me with an abiding love for sumac, a well-prepared lamb kebab, and good hospitality.
Born to a Yorkshireman father and German mother, as a teenager I grew up in the far southeast of England in the 1970s. Summers on the beach. Winters in the pub, once we were old enough to pass for 18.

Miraculously, over my career I’ve avoided collecting the usual exotic diseases that many geologists seem to suffer from. Worms, boils, strange rashes and exploding innards; that sort of stuff. Possibly because my guts are regularly sterilized by a nice glass of strong red wine.
If we ever run into each other in a bar, remember – after drinking Murree Beer in Pakistan -billed as Pakistan’s “legendary beer”, guaranteed 100% glycerine free and available to non-Muslims under a doctor’s prescription- I’ll drink anything, so I’m a cheap date.

It’s now January 2020. Eighteen months into this blog, I’m finally beginning to grasp my who my audience is. I called it Urbancrows because I love crows and have a couple that visit me regularly. They sit on my back deck and shit all over the place until I give them dog kibble. Next summer I’m hitting them up for the cost of a power washer.
I assumed the blog would include lots of interesting posts about my black-winged visitors and their idiosyncracies, which turned out to be a naive approach when I finally started tracking my readership stats. So, sorry crows, it’s more mining and geology stories for this blog.
And remember, if you like what you’re reading, you can subscribe to via the insultingly small subscription box that I somehow managed to place near the top of the home page even if I haven’t worked out how to format it yet. I’ll be sure to email you every time I post another 1,500 words of cynical drivel. There’s no charge, no fees and the content is guaranteed to be calorie free. Strangely, I do this for fun.